All of the products in this store provide funding for my 'higher purpose' altruistic commitments. They are offered you in the spirit of supporting and empowering human evolution... that the great possibility of a mature, love-led humanity arise, and that future generations may live in a world of harmony and peace.
This possibility is my personal commitment as an evolving human, ....and as much as possible after meeting my living and business expenses I intend to use the incomes derived from your purchases toward this end.
Especially, as I have done since 1986, I will continue to fiscally support the sharing of The Love Declaration and it's translations around the world ....for as it's author, this is the visionary mission I feel the strongest personal responsibility for. I introduce you to The Love Declaration directly below.
David Kenyon Seacord

About "The Love Declaration"
Here's a bit more about The Love Declaration.
Briefly, I've been the 'Johnny Appleseed' of The Love Declaration ever since I received it from my inner being in 1986, when I was in my later thirties. I quickly realized it was not 'mine'. I realized that at our true human core, it or something very similar was everyone else's heart declaration too.
So... for whatever miraculous benefit it might bring about in the awakening of that core truth in others, I've personally given out free copies to untold thousands of people across America in the years since then (and recently, I've been sharing it worldwide via the internet). And over that time span, it has provided me the overarching ceiling of my life, my raison d'etre and a highly purified ethical standard to spend this lifetime practicing, then whether failing or succeeding in learning the lesson of the moment, nonetheless always, regardless of circumstances, returning to the practice.
Because of it's value to me, I believe it's worth sharing with as many people in this world as I am able, and in as many languages as I am able to get it well translated into. My vision is that it might be for 'other myselves' a humanity-unifying spiritual intention that has nothing to do with any particular faith or religion, ...but that is in harmony with the basic principles found in all belief paradigms that serve Selfless Love.
To me, it's a reminder of who each and every one of us actually is: a Being of Love (no matter how deeply our sufferings have buried that from us). Thus, it's a call 'to return to our true self'. Please feel free to share it as you are guided. By doing so, you are joining me in being 'a miracle worker committed to the Good of All'.
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